Resistance Training For Swimming

I was asked by a master’s swimmer to provide some simple resistance training that could be done from home. You can do weight training from home easily. You just need a few dumbbells and a swiss (gym) ball. In fact you don’t even need the swiss ball because you can improvise here too. If you you have a chin up bar across a doorway then there are extra exercises you can do but it isn’t a necessity. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can substitute with stretch cords.

Usually you will do resistance training 3 times per week in order to get stronger and later on to maintain your strength. I’ve given 3 exercises per muscle group so you don’t get bored (believe it or not, muscles have a memory and know when they are doing the same thing day in day out – they will go on autopilot), hence there are 3 weeks of programmes for you to rotate. You don’t need to do all the exercises each time, it is OK to pick and choose, but try to do at least 2/3’s. If you have time to do the whole session then that is even better.

Another way you can mix it up is like this: one week do low repetition with high weights (e.g. 2 sets of 8 reps of each exercise); this is power training. The next week you do endurance training – high repetitions of low weights (e.g. 2 sets of 18 repetitions of each exercise, or 3 sets or 16 repetitions).

If you alternate power weeks with endurance weeks and rotate the 3 different weekly programmes then you will find yourself having the variety of a six week programme.

Following the programme I have included links to YouTube clips that show the correct way to do each exercise. Even if you think the exercise is a simple one and you know how to do it, it’s a good idea to have a quick look at the clips because doing the exercises properly will keep you safe and free from injury.

Here’s the programme:

Warm up first in your own fashion: walk, skip, star jumps, burpees etc

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Biceps Concentration Curls Reverse Dumbbell Curls Hammer Curls
Triceps Dumbbell Triceps Curls Triceps Kickbacks Bench Dips
Shoulders Dumbbell Military Press Front Raises Lateral Raises
Back Pull Ups With Wide Grip (if you have a chin up bar) Bent Over Dumbbell Rows Dumbbell Shrugs
Chest Push ups Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Flyes (on bench or swiss ball)
Quads Squats With Dumbbells Step Ups with Dumbbells (from close to step) Lunges with Dumbbell
Rest of Legs Step Ups – step from 1m away from step Calf Raises Dumbbell Single Dead Lift
Abs Standard Crunches 3 sets of 40 Elbow to Knee Crunches 3 sets of 40 Bridge – hold for 30 seconds x 4 – can do side bridge, swap sides

Here are the links to YouTube clips showing how to properly do each exercise.

Bench Dips (use bed or chair lodged against a wall so it doesn’t move)

Bent Over Dumbbelll Row


Bridge (Side)

Calf Raises (can use indoor stairs too or a sturdy book)

Concentration Curls


Crunches (Elbow to Knee)

Dumbbell Military Press

Dumbbell Single Leg Dead Lift

Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell Triceps Curls

Flyes (lie back on Swiss ball so spine parallel with floor)

Front Raises (tip: once you raise your arms beyond a ninety degree angle with your body, you begin to focus more on your traps than your shoulders)

Hammer Curls

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (can use swiss ball, improvise or just lie on floor if necessary)

Lateral Raises (same tip as for front raises)

Lunges With Dumbbells

Pull Ups with Wide Grip (if you have a chin up bar) – works lats and traps

Push Ups

Reverse Dumbbell Curls (palms down)

Squats with Dumbbells

Step ups (step from close in to work the quads)

Step Ups from far Away (as above but without dumbbell and take steps from 1m away – this will now work your hamstrings instead of your quads).

Triceps Kickback (use swiss ball, bed or chair)


Author: sportsgeek

I started this blog as a place to post photo's and links to videos of my friends and family playing and being involved in sports. Also to help demonstrate via video link the correct way to do some of the more complex swimming drills that are used in some of the training sessions I write. If there's anything you want included, just ask (though I make no promises!!!). Also, feel free to post comments, ask questions, create discussion - this lets me know you're looking.

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